
The scientific committee of the IVCBRC-2022 conference invites you to submit your abstracts before 01/06/2022, and those who are willing to publish full articles, are invited to submit unpublished scientific papers and review articles focusing on the conference tracks (Medical & Molecular Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, and Plant Biotechnology, and  Animal Physiology, ) before 15/06/2022.



A standard level of Abstract to be submitted should:

  • have no more than 300 words and the title should be descriptive and declarative
  • contain an introduction, Aim, Material and Methods, Results, and conclusion
  • show your readers that you’re aware of current and past research on your topic and demonstrate that your research will make a significant and substantial contribution to it.
  • Contain "Statement of Problem" before moving into a paragraph detailing the problem.
  • seek to answer the question: why does this research need to be conducted and what new issues does this research raise?
  • State in the conclusion the rationale of the study "Significance of Research in conclusion."

To submit your abstract (.doc), please fill out the Electronic Submission form.


Full Paper Guidelines:

Formatting (DOC):

  • Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full-text papers including results, tables, figures, and references.
  • Full-text papers (.doc) will be accepted by the Electronic Submission form.
  • All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical.
  • Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.



Paper page limit:
Each paper must be no more than 12 pages (including the abstract, figures, tables, and references). 


Submission method:
Please submit your paper; (.doc) to the Electronic Submission form.


Full paper publication policy

The conference invites participants to submit unpublished scientific papers and review articles focusing on the conference tracks (Medical & Molecular Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, and Plant Biotechnology). Full Research articles will be subjected to blind peer reviewing by the scientific committee of the conference.

The payment could be made via the accounts division of the Biotechnology Research Center (قسم الحسابات في مركز بحوث التقنيات الاحيائية/جامعة النهرين/مجمع الجادرية).

After articles are accepted for the conference, the researchers will be informed and they have to choose one of the journals below:



The conference secretariat will then notify the journals above (selected by the corresponding author or conference) with the details of articles that participated in our conference.

The conference secretariat will also notify the corresponding author to submit the article directly to the selected journal. In addition, its author(s) duty to complete /follow up the publication process with the journal selected.